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where is the link to the first story?

2018-04-16 13:50:27 PAUL BAUMBACH


2018-01-14 15:32:44 Paul Baumbach

Please recognize that the Paul posting in this thread is not me.

2017-11-22 17:15:01 Paul Baumbach

The newly adopted Delaware Democratic Party platform includes the following: “Wages: No one who works full-time should have to struggle to provide for their family. Delaware Democrats support our state’s working families and strongly believe in a $15 minimum wage, paid sick leave, and short-term disability insurance.”

2017-06-18 16:34:22 Rep Paul Baumbach

Governor Russell Peterson?

2016-11-03 15:51:01 Rep Paul Baumbach

Fort Delaware?

2016-10-02 17:49:18 Rep Paul Baumbach

El Som, thank you for your regular rundowns of the Agendas.

HB 400 is not limited to minors with terminal illness–it extends access to the Delaware medical marijuana program to all residents with terminal illness.

2016-06-14 13:45:34 Rep Paul Baumbach

Jason, Rep Mulrooney and Rep Hensley are incumbents..they are not facing each other. They live in and serve two different RDs.

2016-02-19 21:22:51 Rep Paul Baumbach

The White Clay Creek State Park, largely in the 23rd Representative District, is one of Delaware’s real gems. The White Clay Creek is registered in the federal Wild & Scenic River program (http://www.rivers.gov/), a testament to its beauty and importance.

2015-12-30 17:49:01 Rep Paul Baumbach

I appreciate the list’s inclusion of HB 150 (Physician Aid in Dying).

2015-12-23 17:56:36 Rep Paul Baumbach

My, but that 23rd Representative District is certainly beautiful!

2015-09-27 14:00:40 Rep Paul Baumbach

The vote for HB39 listed above is not correct. there were only 24 YES votes.

2015-06-05 18:22:06 Rep Paul Baumbach

inside UD’s Memorial Hall? They updated it since I attended (pre-dark ages)

2015-05-12 12:37:06 Rep Paul Baumbach

Thank you for sharing information on this issue.

2015-04-07 22:04:24 Rep Paul Baumbach

About two weeks ago, I attended the Chapel Hill/chapel Woods/West Meadow candidate forum. Sean Barney was there and spoke, while Ken Simpler did not attend. There were many Republicans, and third party candidates who participated that night.

2014-10-22 22:00:46 State Rep Paul Baumbach

There is a provocative article (editorial) from past NYT ‘opinion columnist’ Bob Herbert at http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/10/the-plot-against-public-education-111630_full.html?print#.VDV-nJw-6Oc

2014-10-08 18:28:49 Rep. Paul Baumbach

Edward Wilberg, Sr., withdrew from running against Rep Earl Jaques in the 27th.

2014-08-29 15:04:05 Rep. Paul Baumbach

Warren withdrew his candidacy yesterday.

2014-07-17 16:19:21 Rep. Paul Baumbach

84%–student at UD 79-83, lived in Newark 1990 to the present

2014-07-13 17:20:17 Rep. Paul Baumbach

While door-knocking in 2012, I had a parole officer, who had been a Wilmington police officer, note that decriminalizing marijuana is necessary to better focus our resources, which are drastically over-stretched at this time.

2014-06-02 15:17:25 Rep. Paul Baumbach

I show Rep Bennett living in the 16th (Bonini’s) senate district.

2014-05-30 13:26:30 Rep. Paul Baumbach

‘midwife’ describes a profession, and there are three midwife credentials. CNMs, certified nurse midwives, are nurses, with a midwifery focus. CMs, certified midwives, are not nurses, but have higher institutional education requirements than CPMs, certified professional midwives, which require high school graduation plus coursework in related areas, among other requirements.

Just today I heard concern from CNMs that there is great confusion amongst consumers with what a midwife is, and they would like much improved understanding of the different credentials, and their requirements. This is one reason that the Delaware code distinguishes between ‘nurse midwives’ and ‘non-nurse midwives.’ This bill, HB 319, deals solely with the licensure of non-nurse midwives.

2014-05-15 01:42:32 Rep. Paul Baumbach

AQC, risk regulations will be determined by the professional council, which has doctors, nurses, and midwives serving on it (fortunately no legislators :), unless they are a doctor, a nurse, or a midwife). They will be looking at national standards, and local/regional standards of care, and the council works in public, with public comment welcome. The midwifery advisory council reports to the state’s board of medicine.

2014-05-14 15:21:35 Rep. Paul Baumbach

AG Biden attended Wednesday’s ceremony for fallen law enforcement officers, outside Legislative Hall on the Green. He didn’t address the gathering, and I didn’t speak with him this time, but he seemed well.

2014-05-10 19:41:00 Rep. Paul Baumbach

I would like to echo what Mitch shared. I have met AG Biden at two or three events in the past few months, and each time I shared a brief conversation with him. The quantity of interactions is lower than this time last year, but the quality of interactions is unchanged, in my first-hand experience.

2014-04-19 12:28:00 Rep. Paul Baumbach

HB 256 will work in concert with the new SB 197, addressing human trafficking in Delaware. Yes, it is going on in Delaware.

2014-04-11 13:10:12 Rep. Paul Baumbach

Rep Mike Barbieri (18th District) filed today.

2014-04-04 21:51:58 Rep. Paul Baumbach

At the committee hearing on HB 14 (farmland preservation tax elimination), I raised that this could be justified if there is insufficient demand for the program, however the program is well over-subscribed, and thus adding additional incentives, which cost the state, is very poor public policy.

2014-03-19 12:54:23 Rep. Paul Baumbach

SB 48, with House Amendment 2 ‘placed with the bill’, is before the House Administration Committee. I have requested that it to be heard at an upcoming committee meeting.

2014-03-13 18:21:33 Rep. Paul Baumbach

No one is mentioning the listing of a filed primary challenger to Chris Coons? I assume that this is the joke you referenced?

2014-03-08 00:52:10 PBaumbach

some info on Sean Lynn is at http://www.linkedin.com/pub/sean-m-lynn/21/528/5b1

2014-03-06 15:43:50 Rep. Paul Baumbach

Paul, ‘a refreshing change’ rather than ‘a regressing change’?

2014-02-19 13:40:16 Rep. Paul Baumbach

it looks like the atrium in Gore Hall on UD campus

2014-02-14 15:42:59 Rep. Paul Baumbach


in theory–one site to rule them all

2014-02-12 22:39:32 Rep. Paul Baumbach

This is on the UD green, I think just south-east of Sharp Hall looking north (into the 23rd RD 🙂

2014-01-20 13:06:44 Rep. Paul Baumbach

I have seen and briefly chatted with AG Biden on at least two occasions this fall–one a luncheon with the State Chamber, and one a National Guard deployment, if memory serves. To me he looked to be in fine shape in each case.

2014-01-18 14:18:14 Rep. Paul Baumbach

Jason, See http://dcrac.org/SteppingStonesStaff.html
I believe that the Stepping Stones Community Federal Credit Union may offer what you seek.

2014-01-10 17:51:43 Rep. Paul Baumbach

Again, ElSom, thank you for this effort. I am honored to share a position with such wonderful 2013 MVPs.

In addition to Joanne’s work in Sussex, Mitch Crane deserves a shout out for his great work for the party in Sussex, and for his leadership with the DE Manufactured Housing Relocation Trust Authority.

Let’s face it, the top ten list this year needs to be much longer than ten!

2013-12-31 17:15:01 Rep. Paul Baumbach

Congratulations, Sarah!!!

2013-12-31 15:16:41 Rep. Paul Baumbach

The site used to be zoned industrial, when it manufactured cars. The site is now zoned Science and Technology Campus, for education and tech commercial, NOT for industrial.

My property used to be zoned for farming, when horses and cows grazed there.
My property is now zoned residential..I am not permitted to graze cows in my backyard, just because of past zoning.

Jason, If the STAR campus was still zoned for industrial use, the Governor would have a valid point. It is not, and he does not.

2013-11-03 20:07:25 PBaumbach

Two quick comments–the current open issue is that by charter, no one may produce/sell electricity in the city limits other than the city/DEMEC, except 1) for backup and then only when the grid is down, and 2) for net metering solar panel systems. This could be a make/break issue, although it is highly likely city council, if they so choose, could provide an exemption, by an affirmative vote. It is this potential city council approval possibility that is encouraging the community to speak up, both opponents and proponents.

Second, the technology that TDC plans to use is the latest/greatest for natural gas plants, and efficiency is desired, both for their profit implications and for the environmental impact. I suspect that the scale of this project, and its electricity generation capacity, increased significantly (more than twice the current needs of the city–this is a major electricity production facility) over the past 18 months, due to the scale benefits which LG mentioned.

2013-10-01 15:43:00 Rep. Paul Baumbach

Growing up, Rapa brand was the only scrapple I knew, and I still love it (even if I only enjoy it once or twice a year). For about 15 years we have gone camping once a year with a bunch of (30 or so) good friends, and I always brought Rapa brand scrapple to find me some scrapple converts. If you think that coffee smells good in the morning at a campsite, try some good Rapa sniffs!

2013-09-12 12:10:28 Paul Baumbach

Currently home to Grass Roots, a great Main Street store in Newark

2013-09-09 13:44:14 Paul Baumbach

One and a half of those items are still possible in Newark–get some Margherita’s Pizza, and then head to Newark Cinema Center 3 (http://cinemacenter3.com/) for the Saturday midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show (for extra kicks, go to the Hallowe’en Saturday midnight showing).

By the way, both establishments are within the 23rd RD, clearly the best RD in the state, but perhaps I am biased!

I expect that at least decriminalization of marijuana is in the future of Delaware–just don’t ask me when.

2013-08-16 16:49:42 Paul Baumbach

Behind one of the first doors I knocked on during the 2012 campaign was a woman who was dying of cancer, and wanted to be able to use marijuana rather than morphine for the pain, so that she could taste her meals, in her last years of life, without breaking the law. What can you say to this?

2013-08-16 13:29:15 Paul Baumbach

Vance is a great person, and has been such a dedicated mayor for our town. He seems to have been born for the role of Mayor of Newark (aka Funkytown). He was my settlement attorney more than once, and he was my landlord for 14 years. I am pleased to call Vance my friend. As mayor, he will be deeply missed.

2013-08-08 14:42:07 Paul Baumbach

I am very sorry to hear of is struggle. From what you say, it indeed sounds like it is time. This is an awful time for us humans..for this is the hardest time to not know what the animal, often our best friend, is thinking and needing.

We once had a dog whose time had come, and who knew it before we did. We went to the beach and left our two dogs with our inlaws, who lived in the woods. One day that weekend the older dog went into the woods and didn’t return. That is what animals do when their time is up. It sounds like your dog’s actions at that rainy threshold was similar..he was ready to not return.

Good luck with this very difficult situation. It sucks.

2013-08-02 12:46:43 PBaumbach

Sen Townsends education bills, SB 147 & 148 easily pass the House

2013-07-01 05:05:07 PBaumbach

MikeMatthews on Facebook has pictures of four Senate Amendments to HB 165

2013-06-20 22:09:00 PBaumbach

SB33, rent justification bill, passed the House 39 yes, 1 absent, and 1 not voting (due to conflict)
Credit goes to Rep Bryon Short to work on the compromise that enabled the bill to pass so strongly
The Senate is expected to take it up on Tuesday

2013-06-20 22:08:13 PBaumbach

SB33, the rent justification bill, has a fresh HA2, the compromise amendment, which is designed to get us to a bill which the House and Senate can both pass. HA1 is to be struck by Rep Bryon Short (part of the compromise).

You will see that Representatives Bryon Short, Bill Carson, and I are cosponsors, and it also has the full support of Senators Ennis and Bushweller, evidence that we can get this bill passed by both houses this month.

2013-06-20 19:00:41 PBaumbach

I don’t expect to for SB 48 to reach a committee hearing this month.

the meeting schedule is online at http://legis.delaware.gov/LEGISLATURE.NSF/Lookup/Meetings_Home?open&nav=mtgs, and from there you can choose House, Senate, Joint, etc.

the House committee meeting agendas for today and tomorrow are posted. Indeed they are expected to be in flux in the coming 11 days, so look early and often.

2013-06-19 13:57:46 Paul Baumbach

For the last two weeks of the month, the House will be addressing more than tributes and committee meetings on Wednesdays. We will have a ‘normal session’ each Wednesday, and committee meetings will be held, as needed, typically from 12-2pm on ANY of the three session days of the week.

2013-06-19 12:34:01 Paul Baumbach

This is the second time that Rep Carney has done this in 2013. Serious kudos!

2013-06-14 21:07:26 Paul Baumbach

I believe that at Wednesday’s committee hearing Rep Dukes mentioned that the charter school in his area noted that they could put up the school building for a much lower price than a traditional public school. I don’t recall him providing details for the reason. I am pretty certain that he did not use the phrase ‘prevailing wage’ in his statement.

2013-06-09 17:33:02 Paul Baumbach

The money is earmarked in the current budget plans, but ONLY if the legislation passes.

If the budget as currently proposed by the JFC passes the General Assembly, with the $2.35M for the charter bill ($2M for the performance fund and $350K for the minor capital funds), but the charter bill does not pass by June 30th, then the money is NOT available for DOE to spend on those items. It just sits around in the state’s reserves.

That said, if HB165 is amended and the fiscal note changes (downward), then there is an opportunity to pass legislation with price tags that can be covered by the ‘freed up money’, and to get the Appropriations Committee to bless this adjustment.

2013-06-07 14:39:48 Paul Baumbach

Thank you, Sarah, for your courage, your leadership, and your dedication to helping us make Delaware a supportive state for ALL of its citizens.

2013-06-04 14:40:04 Paul Baumbach

I like the feature in the prior version, in which the Recent Comments included their date/timestamp. In this manner, when I refresh the page, I can quickly see if any new messages have appeared in, say, the past hour.

New feature request–spell check widget when composing posts!

2013-05-24 15:41:43 Paul Baumbach

Hb23 calls for recording of all school board meetings


2013-05-24 12:07:50 PBaumbach

The ‘manufactured homes as second homes’ argument has been made many times, but rarely with any data.

The December 2008 Manufactured Housing in Delaware report by the DE State Housing Authority, on pages 10-11, estimates that only 20.15% of DE manufactured homes are for seasonal, recreational, or occasional use.

Let me know if there is any hard data to the contrary.

2013-04-30 20:29:33 PBaumbach

Delaware is fortunate to have so many interested and involved people (bloggers, advocates, leaders, etc, etc) with such passion.

2013-04-27 17:25:33 PBaumbach

Republican Representative Mike Ramone, who voted for the civil union bill, was at the press conference this afternoon.

2013-04-12 01:54:42 PBaumbach

“No challenges from the left on HB 50, which I found disappointing.” As you know, the votes do not tell the entire story.

The testimony on the floor during HB50 included more than one Representative arguing for the benefits to Delaware of instituting additional tax brackets.

The same is true for the committee hearing on HB 50 (testimony from the public and from Representatives, in favor of more progressive brackets), and HB 50 only received 8 of 13 votes, ‘on its merits.’

Note further that last week the DSEA and other unions expressed their full support for all of the Governor’s revenue bills, unamended.

2013-03-26 13:54:29 Paul Baumbach

I was very pleased with the bipartisan/cross-house support demonstrated in yesterday’s rally at LegHall.

The repeal campaign has been doing a great job.

2013-03-13 12:31:56 Paul Baumbach

The death penalty repeal bill is SB19, not SB9. It is online, with a hearing on the 20th I believe.

2013-03-13 01:24:41 PBaumbach

There are five RD committees which caucus tomorrow, at 7:30pm at Downes Elementary School, and elect committee members. More information is at http://www.deldems.org/events/rsvp/23rd-24th-25th-and-27th-rd-caucus-meeting

2013-03-03 15:35:25 Paul Baumbach

Note that comparing PA’s tax rate to ours is comparing apples to kiwis.

PA permits NO deductions, no capital or business or rental losses, and it excludes all retirement income. This is why its flat tax rate appears so low. In context, it is similar to its neighbors.

2013-02-19 13:42:34 Paul Baumbach

one of my favorite quotes from “It’s a Wonderful Life”

“youth is wasted on the wrong people”

2012-11-20 15:10:43 Paul Baumbach

UD’s Old College, from the intersection of Main St & South College Ave, in newark

2012-11-20 12:52:11 Paul Baumbach

i walked the 1.5 miles to work this morning, and met a City of Newark employee ensuring that storm drain grates are clear. On Sunday they were clearing leaves from the roads, in advance.

Thanks, City of Newark!

2012-10-29 15:40:07 Paul Baumbach

The letter does not indicate sponsorship of this effort by the churches, other than the churches not minding (or not being asked) that their parking lot is used as a gathering place.

2012-10-22 17:33:55 Paul Baumbach

http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2012/Senate/Maps/Oct11-s.html has the Senate with 53 Dems, 44 Reps, and 3 toss-ups.

2012-10-11 13:36:53 Paul Baumbach

I removed my comment–sorry

2012-10-04 19:58:24 Paul Baumbach

While door knocking in the 23rd RD this past weekend, I spoke with a Republican-registered voter who is voting all D this year, in protest for how the Republican party has permitted itself to be taken over by the tea-baggers.

I did not complain.

2012-09-26 15:54:02 Paul Baumbach

another article (and picture) of the GOP meeting is at http://www.wdde.org/30938-delaware-gop-campaign-platform

2012-09-21 19:16:55 Paul Baumbach

I heard that Kovach’s performance at the JCC event last week was about as RINO as you could get. I doubt that Sussex would be pleased to catch his responses.

2012-09-18 12:24:48 Paul Baumbach

El Som–no worries on your 23rd call–it was indeed a close race with great candidates. Unlike the IC and CtyExec races, however, the primary was not a scorched-earth circular firing squad. There wasn’t a single negative lit piece. This is how Democratic primaries can strengthen the party and the candidate/campaign.

As always, thanks for your insight.

By the way, I think that there is a difference between the ‘record’ of endorsers versus predictors. Endorsers (the Governor, PDD, DSEA, etc) should not be judged as ‘accurate’ or ‘inaccurate’ the way a predictor should. Rather endorsers can be judged as reflecting the voters well or less well, as of a particular election.

That said, I know that I for one appreciate both input from endorsers and the insight from predictors.

2012-09-14 13:44:33 Paul Baumbach

DD–thank you for the coverage, the kind words, and the phone banking.

2012-09-10 17:23:16 Paul Baumbach

I’m sorry that I won’t be able to make it. We are having a results-watching party at our HQ in Newark–750 Barksdale Rd.

2012-09-10 17:15:41 Paul Baumbach

At Saturday’s candidate forum (article at http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20120826/NEWS/308260058/Executive-candidates-talk-crime-strategy?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|Home|s&nclick_check=1), I shared my view that the DOE needs an intervention.

Pencader this week is proving my point.

2012-08-31 18:00:01 Paul Baumbach

or medical malpractice, leading to license revocation

2012-08-31 17:14:49 Paul Baumbach

from the WSJ:

California’s state legislature on Thursday passed the nation’s first law banning professional psychological therapy aimed at turning gay and lesbian youth straight.

2012-08-31 16:58:47 Paul Baumbach

3 federal judges in District Court rejected Texas’ Voter ID law.

2012-08-30 17:43:26 Paul Baumbach

Pires is filed as an iPod–Independent Party of Delaware


2012-08-27 12:28:05 Paul Baumbach

Note that there is a candidate forum tomorrow (Saturday) in Newark. The PDF flyer is at http://www.uufn.org/forum/2012_flyer.pdf

All four Democratic candidates for insurance commissioner will be on at 9am.

3 of the 4 Democratic candidates for County Executive are on at noon.

Both Manolakos and Miro will be on at 11:30am.

Bryan Townsend is on at 1pm–Tony DeLuca is not participating, the same as was the case on Tuesday night at the Civic League event.

As a candidate in the 23rd, I am pleased that we finally have a forum with all three Democratic candidates in our race participating; we are on at 10:30am.

2012-08-24 22:45:21 Paul Baumbach

Doughty, the republican candidate for the 23rd, in his filing shares his campaign website at http://WWW.ELECTMARKDOUGHTY.COM, according to http://elections.delaware.gov/reports/genl_fcddt.shtml

I guess that when we shake hands at a candidate forum I should first look for a buzzer in his palm.

2012-08-10 19:56:36 Paul Baumbach

In further news in the 23rd RD race, earlier this week I was endorsed by the party: http://www.deldems.org/our-democrats/endorsed/ncc

2012-08-10 19:18:36 Paul Baumbach

I’m glad that CEO Schnatter lowered the price of his chain’s pizzas two years ago when all workers under the age of 26 were permitted to remain insured on their parent’s health insurance policies due to the ACA (and let’s face it, a LOT of the chain’s workers are under the age of 26).

Oh that’s right, his need to ‘set the record straight’ is situational.

2012-08-08 19:33:08 pbaumbach

http://www.wdel.com/story.php?id=44748 reports a Republican will be filing to run for State Rep in the 23rd RD.

2012-08-08 13:51:13 pbaumbach

My thanks go out to the committee for their dedication to our district.

Congratulations also are due to the other endorsed candidates from last night’s meeting, which I believe are:

US Representative John Carney
Governor Jack Markell
Lt. Governor Matt Denn
Insurance Commissioner candidate Mitch Crane
State Senator Dave Sokola
County Council Person Tim Sheldon
County Clerk of the Peace Ken Boulden

2012-08-07 14:46:06 pbaumbach

ElS–will DL invite each of the 3 primary candidates for the 23rd RD to interviews, and maintain audio of each on your site (and presumably do the same for some of the other races)?

Based on my two months’ of door knocking in the 23rd, I know for certain that I know nothing about voters’ views outside the 23rd. I have learned volumes from listening to voters in the 23rd, and believe that no one who hasn’t gone door-to-door in a district can have a valuable take on how that district is leaning.

I have had a few voters tell me ‘Claudia is a friend of mine and therefore I am supporting her.’ I have had no one tell me ‘I am a teacher and therefore I am voting for Claudia.’ Rather, most of the teachers that I have met in the district (and there are indeed many) are extremely supportive of the fresh ideas for education reform that I share at their doors.

2012-08-01 19:25:23 pbaumbach

Steve, I defer to you on knowing the district. I know that Deb Heffernan was helped in 2010 by the name recognition she had from her school and school board activities.

2012-08-01 18:25:21 pbaumbach

Bill Dunn received 42.7% against Paul Clarke in the 2008 primary (county-wide), 18,303 votes in his favor. This name recognition should be a positive factor for Bill (one of many factors for and against the two candidates).

As I door-knock throughout the 23rd RD, at least in June and July (prior to mailers), there are many voters who do not know any of the three of the candidates in our race. Name recognition matters, when there is an open seat.

2012-08-01 14:28:48 pbaumbach

to Pandora’s point, “There’s a pattern here, and I think it’s deliberate. First, the Romney Campaign says something outrageous (Anglo-Saxon comment, questioning the preparedness of security at the Olympics, etc.) then they counter their initial statement with an do-over.”

He wants the launch codes? Seriously? How do you do-over a nuclear strike?

2012-07-30 13:44:53 pbaumbach

Has WDEL or WILM announced plans for on-air panels of candidates for any of these primary races?

2012-07-12 17:14:38 pbaumbach

Baumbach/Bock/Grant–thanks for the top rating for our race. It really is an exciting race.

As for shoe-leather, I have knocked on more than 800 doors (including many many hours in scorching temps), and my campaign manager won’t let me take a break until we win. My terrific team takes care of everything (fundraising, website, print materials, etc) except what I need to do–meet every voter and chat about their concerns and about our approach.

2012-07-12 15:25:06 pbaumbach

I am looking forward to meeting old and new friends this evening.

For those who can’t make it, please consider making a contribution to our campaign–the big news is WE HAVE PAYPAL!



Paul Baumbach
Candidate, State Representative, 23rd RD

PS For those who can’t make it, also please consider making a contribution to PDD. Jason has had PAYPAL on the PDD site forever–I am jealous!


2012-07-11 13:47:26 pbaumbach

additionally, as a candidate (www.paulbaumbach.com) spending 16 hours a week door knocking, I cannot imagine a candidate for state rep or (worse, because the district includes about twice as many voters) state senate joining a race this late, or (yet even worse) in early September, and thus being unable to meet as many voters as they should, in cases where the slot has been open for months.

it is different when the incumbent, at a relatively late hour, announces a retirement, but in Stritzinger’s case, he filed over three months after Liane Sorenson declared her retirement (and thus no Republican candidate has been declared and campaigning), and gave Dave Sokola an incredible headstart (in addition to being an incumbent).

2012-07-10 18:45:41 pbaumbach

Cassandra, your comment reminds me of last summer’s debt ceiling crisis. It is amazing that the House Republicans were not effectively called out on having single-handedly creating a 100% avoidable crisis last summer, through their posturing and profiling.

BTW, is anyone enjoying “The Newsroom” on HBO as much as me?

2012-07-10 18:38:55 pbaumbach

Scott Spencer (D) filed to run for Wilmington Mayor

2012-07-10 14:11:37 pbaumbach

i understand the filing fee to have been set by the state Democratic Party at 1% of the sum of the salary for the post over the term in question–US Senator has a six year term, at $165,200 or more a year this comes to about $1 million–$10,000 is 1% of it.

2012-07-06 18:58:20 pbaumbach

“I believe that marriage is under the purview of organized religion. The government should not be in the marriage business. ”

I guess that Dave therefore agrees that DOMA should be overturned as swiftly as practical.

The candidate surveys from both PDD and Stonewall Democrats included questions on these issues.

2012-07-05 15:48:33 pbaumbach

Speaker Gilligan has been GREAT for Delaware. For me the high point was his leadership with House Bill 1, applying FOIA rules to the General Assembly.

Thank you, Speaker Gilligan, for your years of service to our state.

2012-07-01 00:55:20 PBaumbach

Those of us who are active now on these causes are far more effective, due to the hard work of Frieda and the others who came before us.

Frieda, thank you.

And as Auntie Dem notes, thank you so much to the Berryhill family.

2012-06-21 13:50:49 pbaumbach