Original. Student Reported. Your Daily Dose of RIGHT-Minded News and Commentary from Across the Nation
Comment | Date | Name | Link |
No doubt the author supports this fascist crap. Liberalism is tyranny, and it must be extinguished |
2017-10-17 11:19:00 | Bill Collier | https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/37891/#comment-60713 |
Hell awaits you. |
2014-05-02 02:27:00 | Bill Collier | https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/17238/#comment-47500 |
Goobldygook! Nonsense! Racism is racism. Regardless of power. Hate does not justify hate. Your entire argument is nothing more than an apology to hate on white men and, as a white man, I am totally done with that. Whoever tells me to “check my privilege” is my enemy. |
2014-05-02 02:26:00 | Bill Collier | https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/17238/#comment-47497 |
That's the direction of our freedoms.
Comment | Date | Name | Link |
Fewer progs like you in circulation equals fewer crime, corruption, and murders. Progs hate freedom, freedom hates progs. |
2014-05-27 11:04:00 | Bill Collier | https://downtrend.com/robertgehl/ucsb-shooting-victims-father-blames-politicians-and-the-nra/#comment-108928 |
Adam, you are no better than this killer. You are a freedom takingt ideologue with a heart filled with hate because people refuse to bow before your god, the progressive superstate. |
2014-05-27 11:02:00 | Bill Collier | https://downtrend.com/robertgehl/ucsb-shooting-victims-father-blames-politicians-and-the-nra/#comment-108927 |
When a man uses the death of his son, which the liberal policies he supports caused, to deny freedom to others he deserves no sympathy. Being a victim is no excuse for being a freedom taker. His son’s blood is on his own hands, and yours if you support disarming innocent people who could have stopped this murderous nutjob right off the bat. |
2014-05-27 11:00:00 | Bill Collier | https://downtrend.com/robertgehl/ucsb-shooting-victims-father-blames-politicians-and-the-nra/#comment-108926 |